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NO_CODE Visionaries
michele lupi
Men’s “Collections Visionary Tod’s Group”

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The word visionary was coined in the mid-seventeenth century not to celebrate the powers of vision but to belittle them by pitting facts against dreams actualities against fantasies, sobriety against extravagance, groundedness against imaginative flight.

Tod’s No_Code examines the changes in the contemporary society.
It’s an hybrid project fusing international technology and italian craftsmanship together.

No longer the madman in the attic or the relic of a prior era of superstitious beliefs, the visionaries of the industrial era, like their digital-era descendants today, now have their feet firmly planted on the ground even as their imaginations draw them skyward. Equipped with the tools of science, armed with all the weapons in reason’s arsenal, entangled in practical endeavors, they possess a superpower that isn’t reducible either to science or reason or practicality: the ability to think big and long, to look further, deeper, and higher… into and beyond the contemporary.</p><p>No longer the madman in the attic or the relic of a prior era of superstitious beliefs, the visionaries of the industrial era, like their digital-era descendants today, now have their feet firmly planted on the ground even as their imaginations draw them skyward. Equipped with the tools of science, armed with all the weapons in reason’s arsenal, entangled in practical endeavors, they possess a superpower that isn’t reducible either to science or reason or practicality: the ability to think big and long, to look further, deeper, and higher… into and beyond the contemporary.

NO_CODE Visionaries
Still of the Farming Stacks of Planet City, 2021. Director: Liam Young. VFX Supervisor: Alexey Marfin. A synthetic sun casts purple shadows, while still warming the skin and fertilizing the soil.